About Me !! ,,
I got by the name Ares normally, but feel free to call any any nickname/name you prefer!! I play a multitude of games, and I'm always up to try new ones. I love music, and I'm in a choir! I know how to play a couple of instruments too. My favorite color is blue, and I'm a female (please stop assuming I'm a man...)
I play genshin, roblox, pjsk (project sekai aka Hastune Miku: Colorful Stage), crk (Cookie Run: Kingdom) though I play ovenbreak aswellGenshin UID: 627647188
Server: NA
Oh, also I'm reaaally bad at socializing, so please understand if I'm not too open with you.. I'll eventually open up I think. If you're a new person I just met, I will be absolutely terrified of you, just saying!!

Likes ,, I love love LOOOVE THE COLOR BLUE!! It's just so pretty and it's calm and lovely like the sea, the sky, and storms, rainy days, and more. I also really like music, writing, and poems! I love stars because they're so silly shaped and sooo cool! I'm also down to talk abt astronomy wheneverDislikes ,, I really hate being ignored. Anyone who talks bad about my friends to me will also never be forgiven. I despise it when people fetishize gay/lesbian ships just because "it's relatable" but then they go on to say malexfemale ships are terrible and shouldn't exist. I also hate people that force opinions, religion, or anything else like that onto others.

DNI ,, meaning DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME.If you fetishize LGBTQ+ ships, fat shame, make fun of looks for a unjustified reason, or are homophobic, transphobic, DNI!! If you're a pedophile, zoophile, necrophiliac, please DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME. Of course, there is more, but these are the main ones I can think of.

Special Mentions !! ,, this section is for everyone I love <3Aesop ,, I LOVE YOU SO SO SOO MUCH MWAAHH!! You're literally so special to me nd I love you a lot. I've known you since kindergarten which sounds ridiculous since that was forever ago but I still love you sm. You've been through a lot nd we've been friends for like 4ever nd you're genuinely one of the very few people I trust nd can be myself around. I love talking to you and you make my day. You're hilarious and I love your humor, I love your voice, and I love hearing about things that happen to you throughout your day. I love when you ask me to do things w you because it just means that you want to spend time w me nd I haven't annoyed you. YOU'RE THE BEST AND THE SWEETEST EVERR!! + #1 favorite husbandKaylee ,, YOU'RE GENUINELY SOO SWEET ND YOU MAKE ME SMILE EVERY TIME YOU TEXT ME!! Tysm for checking up on me whenever you notice my statuses being off. I swear you deserve the world and nothing less. In my eyes you are a godsent ANGEL. You're so pretty nd nice and genuinely js the sweetest person I've ever met. I can't wrap my head around the fact that you're an actual person that exists because you're js too good for the world. I'LL ALWAYS DEFEND YOU WITH MY LIFE BRO YOU'RE THE BEST!!!Pix ,, You're really fun to talk to and school is js better when you're around. Every time you're absent I'm almost always on the brink of tears bro. You make EVERYTHING less boring nd I love your humor as well as you as a person. YOU'RE AN AMAZING FRIEND ILYSM MWAAHH <3Yomaa ,, ILYSM YOU'RE SO NICE ND YOU'RE UNDERSTANDING TOO ALTHOUGH SOMETIMES I CRINGE AT WHAT YOU SAY ND YOU SAY SOME PRETTY QUESTIONABLE STUFF, YOU JS MAKE THINGS LESS BORING. I love talking to you nd you make me feel a lot more safe nd I'm always glad to have you around because I tell you EVERYTHINGGHavoc ,, HEYY BBG I LOVE YOU SOOOO SO MUCH MWAAH!! YOU'RE THE BESTEST FRIEND I COULD EVER ASK FOR AND ALTHOUGH YOU'RE MEAN SOMETIMES, I STILL REALLY LOVE YOU!! You're so nice nd you get me flowers whenever you can + you're like really funny nd our conversations are NEVER boring!! I COULD TELL YOU ANYONE ND YOU'D STILL BE MY BEST FRIEND ND LOVE MEAiko ,, girl do I even need to say anything I send you PARAGRAPHS everyday abt how much I appreciate you.. LIKE IT'S PART OF MY DAILY ROUTINEEESylphide ,, THE BEST AND MOST AWESOME PERSON EVER SHVGJHF I LOVE YOUU!!!!Sleepy ,, MY SON!! MY FAVORITE PERSON EVER!!! I'D LITERALLY GIVE MY LIFE FOR YOU BRO YOU'RE THE BEST AND I LOVE YOU SM I CAN'T EVEN PUT IT INTO WORDS! You're the most understanding person ever nd I could QUITE LITERALLY tell you anything because you'd still love me nd I trust you with everything. I trust you with my life and everything else. I'm living for you, you are my purpose, and I'd never ever leave you willingly. Even after death I wouldn't leave you, I'd guard you until you join me in the afterlife and even so, you'd still be my favorite and my everything. ILYSM SON!!! I'm so happy that I met you.Vora ,, I LOVE YOU SO SO SOO MUCH YOU'RE MY FAVORITE WIFE BRO YOU'RE THE SWEETEST AND LITERALLY SO ANGELIC I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH I CAN'T EVEN EXPRESS IT WITH MY WORDS MY DAY IS LITERALLY MADE WHEN YOU TEXT ME ILYSM MWAAHHMars ,, you're literally so fucking cool marry me I LOVE YOUUU /p TYSM FOR BEING THERE FOR ME ND BEING SO STUPIDLY NICE (even though sometimes I'm hard to deal w nd kinda an asshole)Empy ,, you're fun, I like talking to you. Thanks for saving my life(?) nd for being fun to talk to

Miscellaneous ,,hihii I will add on more people to the special mentions whenever I feel like it or whenever I can!! So if you're not mentioned there, DW!! YOU MIGHT BE NEXT <3mentioned people currently: Aesop, Kaylee, Pix, Yomaa, Havoc, Aiko, Sylph, Sleepy, Vora, Mars (in that exact order)------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'M LITERALLY SUUUUCH A BIG XIAO FAN BRO HE'S SUCH A CUTIE PATOOTIE!!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------random bs now!!Okay so like my type... I guess, loves me back (optional..)things I find attractive: lion dancers. electric guitar players, drummers, volleyball players, and masks bro. MASKSSS------------------------------------------------------------------------------dude I love Ga Ming sm I'm so HGEJHFKSDKSAAHD AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

nhonestly, I js made this so I could throw in more random stuff that's like either fun facts or unhinged thoughts. So, I thought.. Might as well spill out a whole thought out zombie apocalypse plan yk!!Okay so basically, lemme break it down. The way I personally think the zombie apocalypse is going to start, is that when scientists or whatever are messing around with like some type of virus or whatever, they eventually trigger it into becoming some sort of mind controlling/brain eating amoeba. Which, brain eating amoeba exist. However, they don't work like how zombies do. Naegleria fowleri, the amoeba known as the brain eating amoeba, enters your brain through your nose. It's not given person to person, but instead from warm, still, and shallow bodies of fresh water such as lakes, rivers, and hot springs. That doesn't sound very zombie apocalypse like, right? So, imagine a different kind of brain eating whatever. However, it happens, it'll turn people into zombies. They'll die, because of the virus or amoeba, eating away at their brain while also controlling and using the brain's functions to move the body and control it the way it needs so that it can spread and eat other people's brains. Now. If you really think about it, zombies are just dead corpses that are being controlled by something else, like how you'd call a bunch of office workers "brain dead zombies". They're dead/look dead and work in a way that makes them seem apathetic and unresponsive to their surroundings. Their purpose is to serve as food for whatever it is that wants to take over and eat brains. So! Notice how I mentioned that the brain eating amoeba goes in from the nose to get to the brain? Well! It can go to their mouth too, down to the rest of their body as well. That, is how they'll enter other people. Mainly biting like how people usually say people get infected, because that's a clear and the best way for it to go into the person's blood stream and get to their brain.As for my plan!! Zombies are just dead people that are falling apart and rotting. They obviously will smell since they're rotting corpses, so you'll also notice things being off as you're being approached by one. It'll smell terrible and you'll possibly hear groaning from the virus/amoeba not knowing how ALL the human functions work, so they'll use the vocal cords once it realizes it exists and gets the attention of it's target, creating fear, locking some into place. Assuming it's that smart, that is. Still, you can't rule out that it's not smart. Anyway, it's controlling a dead body which is most likely stiff and can't move a lot. So your best option is to run and not come into ANY sort of contact with it.DM me on discord if you totally think I should write more because I think this is interesting

I'll update this later..